Through The
Crimson Circle
Who is Tobias?
Tobias, as presented through the Crimson Circle, is an angelic being who has lived many lifetimes on Earth. He is most noted for his lifetime as Tobit (also known as Tobias), one of the main characters in the apocryphal Book of Tobit.
According to Tobias, his last lifetime on Earth ended in approximately 50 BCE, and he comes back now through the angelic realms for what he calls the “biggest evolution of consciousness humanity has ever experienced.”
He lovingly assists those who are going through spiritual transformations, seeking to integrate their divinity with their humanity, and rediscovering the God within. His spiritual and inspirational messages are delivered through Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado USA.

Tobias is also part of an angelic group called the Crimson Council, through the Crimson Circle.
This Council has the spiritual purpose of teaching the use of energies and assisting the expansion of consciousness on Earth and other places in Creation. Tobias and the Crimson Council bring to us the energies of wisdom and love, and share a perspective from the other side of the veil.
“I, Tobias, will speak through our friend, the one we call Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe), but we will be speaking to each of you, to your hearts, to your Divine Selves on this day. The words that you hear (and read) are not so important as the messages and the love and the energy that we bring forth on this day to family, to Shaumbra."
Tobias' messages to the Crimson Circle began in 1999 to a group of Colorado area metaphysicians, also known as Shaumbra. The Tobias Materials are now translated in over 20 languages and heard or read by hundreds of thousands of people every month.
Tobias has now entered into his next lifetime on Earth. His final message through Geoffrey Hoppe was delivered on July 19, 2009.

Tobias Channelings:
~ Tobias speaks about how life is a series of experiences and that we need not attach too much emotionality to each drama.
He puts it like this...
He also shares with us the time we spent with him just before we incarnated into this lifetime.
Channelled it comes through like this
TALKING WITH TOBIAS - by Geoffrey Hoppe
Over the years of delivering his messages to Shaumbra, Tobias has always emphasized his love for all of humanity, and his eagerness to return and join us here on Earth. He has stated that this desire was not due to karma or need, but that he has been away so long and wanted to come back and truly enjoy all that life has to offer.
During his final years of speaking to Shaumbra, Tobias mentioned that he had already created what he called a “shell body,” a biological human being into which he would eventually embody his full angelic energy. He set the date for this embodiment as July 19, 2009 after his final message to Shaumbra at the Midsummer New Energy Conference in Breckenridge, Colorado.
After a deeply poignant weekend of channels by Tobias, Adamus Saint-Germain, Kuthumi, Kryon and others, Tobias gave his touching and tearful farewell message. He shared that his shell body, a boy he referred to as “Sam,” had been in an accident and was currently unconscious in a hospital. And it was during this time of openness that Tobias’ full energy of To Bi Wah was merging fully into Sam.
Tobias also shared that the character of Tobias, while it included that of To Bi Wah, was also made up of the energy of each individual Shaumbra as well. He related how “Tobias” was a character in a story that we all agreed to create long ago as a means of one day bringing Shaumbra back together at this incredible time of transformation. As the energy of To Bi Wah embodies within Sam, we are each invited to bring back our own “inner Tobias” as well, and become all that we truly are.
Perhaps the day will come when “Sam” will find his way to the Crimson Circle and reunite with his dearest friends, also known as Shaumbra. He will walk beside us as we all work to manifest the New Energy era on Earth.
Today, though Tobias has returned to Earth, there are many others in the angelic realms who continue to counsel and assist us.
Tobias always said they cannot do it for us – we have to take responsibility for our own journey and divinity – but they are always available for guidance, friendship and support.
In the classic words of Tobias,
“You are never alone.”
You can learn how to channel your own guides. You have all you need to do this.
This is what you have to do...
As Tobias says, we have to do it for ourselves. Aligning ourselves with our diamond presence is a huge step in the right direction. Begin your own transformation process. You must
Call Yourself To Presence

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