If you are to understand energy and how you evolve in consciousness, we have to talk about vibrations, science and quantum physics.
What it is, what it is not and how it affects us.
What does it mean to say that you are all energy? Only energy? And that you are vibrating? All the time?
That there really isn't anything solid about you - whatever it looks like?
That does take a leap of faith, doesn't it? Or maybe a leap in how you understand science...
...and how you are part of All-That-Is.
Let's take a look at the different angles from which science can be viewed:
Newtonian Physics
Most of us were taught about Newtonian Physics at school. We were taught that the world is made up of concrete things and there were certain laws (like gravity) by which it functioned.
These laws meant that the world of things was predictable.
In our science classes we worked at confirming the existance of an objective reality. We came to understand that matter and energy were separate. We understood that matter, like rocks or chairs, was solid, dense, and inanimate.
On the other hand, energy, like heat or light, was constantly changing, permeable, active, moving all the time.
In Newtonian physics:
- Reality is solid
- Energy and matter are separate
- Things are predictable
- We can observe reality without changing it
Quantum Physics
Physicists now know that our world doesn't work that way at all.
Quantum physics discovered that our world is not made up of concrete objects but of interconnected webs of energy. What appears to be solid is actually mutable.
The smallest thing in the universe, a subatomic particle, is energy and mass interrelated with each other.
It is impossible to describe a single subatomic particle, because as you describe one part of it, the relationship with the other parts change. It is forever moving and changing.
As you, the observer, look at an atom, it changes. The energy with which you observe changes the movement and behaviour of the atom.
It has been noted that when a scientist should observe an atom under a microscope, it will behave in a certain manner. Should that scientist now leave the room and become involved in a conflict situation outside, he brings the energy of his emotional disturbance with him.
When he now observes the same atom under the same microscope, the behaviour of the atom will be different.
The observer has transmittted energy via the interconnected web of energy to the object.
In Quantum physics:
- Reality is ever-changing energy
- Energy and matter are the same
- Individual subatomic particles aren't predictable
- When we observe reality, we change it
This implies that we live our lives in an interconnected way. Everything is connected to everything else.
Everything is energy and vibratory, constantly changing. It is like living your life in a sea of energy - being seperate, but also part of the ocean of life.
So then what is life? Your life? What is in the spaces between things? What is in the space which seems to be empty? Is it full? And if it is, full of what?
Maybe this will be a useful description:
Life as a Tapestry in The Unified Field of Energy
A growing number of discoveries now confirm a previously unrecognized form of energy.
This subtle energy field works differently from the kinds of energy we’re typically used to measuring.
While it’s not entirely electrical or magnetic, these familiar forces are a part of the unified field that appears to bathe all of creation.
It is the living tapestry into which the events of our lives are woven.

To help visualize what such a field may look like, scientists sometimes describe it as a tightly woven web that makes up the underlying fabric of creation.
Of the many ways that it may be defined, it may be the most helpful to think of the Field as the ‘stuff’ that lives in the nothing.
Whenever we look into the space between us and another person – or between anything else for that matter – and believe that the space is empty, the Field is there.
The size of the space makes no difference. In the apparent nothing, the Field is there.
The existence of a field of energy that connects all of creation changes the way in which science has thought about our world.
We now know that things that happen in our world are all related – what someone does in one part of the world has an effect upon someone else in another part of the world.
Through the blanket of energy that bathes our world, we’re all linked in ways that we’re only beginning to understand.

The existence of a field of energy that connects all of creation changes the way in which science has thought about our world.
We now know that things that happen in our world are all related – what someone does in one part of the world has an effect upon someone else in another part of the world.
Through the blanket of energy that bathes our world, we’re all linked in ways that we’re only beginning to understand.
Just as ripples radiate from the place where a stone is thrown into a pool of water, our sometimes unconscious thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs create the ‘disturbances’ in the Field that become the blueprints for our lives.
This means that the responsibility for our health, and for peace, is taken beyond the realm of ‘chance’ events and ‘bad luck’ and placed within our grasp.
Recognising our individual consciousness and the ripple effect it has on everything in and around us has now become mainstream knowledge.
The insight that the lens through which we view the world has a huge effect on the world itself, changes our perception of our lives completely.
It is the energy and emotional quality of our beliefs that make all the difference to how we evolve consciously.
The Law of Vibration ‘nothing rests; everything moves; every-thing vibrates.’READ MORE ABOUT VIBRATION HERE ....
Aligning your personal energy with your purpose and taking responsibility for your personal growth can really boost your internal motivation.
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