Desalinization in the Future with Nanotechnology
Desalinization of water must surely be the answer to the urgent need for more water on our planet. In order to do this appropriately we need to heed the channeling of Kryon by Lee Caroll.
The resource that humanity is going to need the most as the population grows, as the weather changes, is what you probably already had guessed: Fresh water! Already it's becoming scarce.
You will notice the snow is falling more and more in the wrong places, and often in areas that have no infrastructure to capture the runoff. The reservoirs and aqueducts are built for the old energy with the old weather patterns. As the population grows, water will be the issue.
The New Desalinization Answer
Here is one immediate answer.
It is a profound thing when the earth is mostly water, yet you cannot drink it!
The answer is to use the sea and the ocean, and convert it. The ocean, of course, is not fresh water, so you have to ask how to extract the salt.
Desalinization As You Are Doing It Now
Desalinization exists today in a very inefficient way. Large amounts of water have to go into vats of containment and sit there while heat is used in various ways.
There are various systems, some of them steam, some of them not, all requiring heat to take out the salt. It takes a long time. It's expensive and not efficient. Therefore it is not tenable to desalinate for an entire city. Instead, only places that simply have no fresh water at all have a system like this. It becomes a necessity of inconvenience and expense instead of a good solution.
Most of the largest cities on earth are on the coastlines of the ocean... very near water. This is because over time those coastal areas were the places where trade could happen with ships and ports.
So you end up with the largest cities being on the ocean. It's a good place to start, is it not, to get water for them, from the source which they can simply look at and use? The answer is not that difficult, but it requires something that has not been considered.
The highest technology you have today has to do with the smallest of the small. You call it nanotechnology.
It is chemistry and even chemical machines, extremely small, taking form as what you would call robots. These ultra small, molecular sized robots exist today, and are at the pinnacle of your new inventive efforts.
Even now, your science is considering how to insert them into the Human bloodstream to seek out and kill disease... as an enhancement to the white blood cells that you currently have. That's how small the nanoparticles are.
Naturally there are objections to this, since it seems to alter the Human body. It doesn't, any more than any supplement that is not naturally created, which you have learned can help you with pain, disease, chemical balance, or even to sleep at night. So it joins forces with the kinds of science that has been given to Humanity to help keep you alive.
Remember, that although we teach that a Human Being can use their own consciousness to do that, there are millions who will not believe it, or not be interested in that.
So science takes up the slack, so to speak, and there is much today that is known to assist the quality of Human life that is not metaphysical. This is a balance, and is proper and appropriate.
Desalization using Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is becoming smarter. Science is learning to make the robots intelligent through chemistry, through logic, through electronics. It's like the logic of a computer, which can cleverly help you to do many things. It doesn't think for you, but rather it assists you in tasks you can't do yourself. These tiny smart robots can help desalinate water.

Nanoparticle Formations

I'm going to give you a task: You're going to build a desalinization plant where the water never stops flowing, and where salt can be removed in real time, and a by-product created that you had no idea about. The water never has to rest and never has to be cooked. There is no heat involved at all. Using nano-technology, the water goes in one end of the machine, and it comes out the other in a steady flow. In—salty, out—fresh, and ready then for standard purification.

The first stages of the system require that you release enough nano-technology robots assigned to find the dissolved salts and attach themselves to them.
Here is the secret, however: every single robot is magnetized! I (Kryon) am the magnetic master, after all.
All of the salt then becomes magnetic, with tiny little nano robots hanging on to all of it.
On to the next stage: Flowing into the next area, the water is exposed to tremendous, huge electromagnets, pulling the salt out of the water completely and totally, because the salt is now magnetic! Out it goes. Over simplified, perhaps, but this is the way of it. No heat is involved.
Desalinization's By-product? Magnetic Water that Heals!
Now, the by-product... you won't believe it! Oh, and this will be controversial when you discover it.
Magnetic fields applied to water often create water that is quite healing. Do you see where this is going? What a device that might be! It would be quantum, you know, because it uses magnetics.
There would be those who will say that magnetically treated water is bad for you, since you are altering it in a way that is not understood.
They don't realize the amount of energy that other Humans have gone through to find the healing waters of the earth! Now you get a bit of that while desalinating water! There will be no proof either way of what is happening, so that will make it controversial. All people will know is that fewer people are getting sick!
So this is what we wanted to give you today. This is what we wanted to have recorded today in this way, so that you might hear it and it would be published. I wish to tell you what we see in the future, based on the potentials you have developed. We're not going to give you a time frame, for there is none.
So it is.
Desalinization towards much needed fresh water, is what will be created as humans evolve and develop the infinite use of nanotechnology.
A channeling from Kryon by Lee Caroll.
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