Self-appreciation - Your Key To Mastery
Self-appreciation is the key to your spiritual growth, to enlightenment, to humanities problems; it is the solution to everything that is considered a problem.
A channeling from Omni (by John Payne) said this:
"If there were nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine subjects upon which we could speak, and if you were to ask us out of which, of all these subjects, was the most important, we would say to you, with an absolute knowing, without a shadow of doubt, or the twinkling of a second thought,that self- appreciation is the most important topic of all."
What You Have Been Taught
For many, many generations you have been taught that self-appreciation is haughty and arrogant and not fitting.
You have been told to keep yourself small and not to think too highly of yourself. You have been reprimanded many times for being full of yourself. For praising your own efforts. Even for liking yourself. You came to understand, in childhood already, that you are unworthy of such adoration and recognition.

Building self-esteem is a powerful attribute to develop. When something positive happens in your life, stop to analyze it for a moment. Give yourself due credit for making it happen. Think of all the strengths you possess and ways you contributed, both directly and indirectly, to make this positive event occur.
Different Message
Omni says: "I come to you with a different message, we say to you, that it is time for you to appreciate yourself and that without self-appreciation, all the other things that you are striving for, will either elude you, or simply remain a struggle.
As you learn to love and appreciate who you are and what you have to offer the world, all the qualities that you are looking to develop, such as patience, acceptance, love, compassion, caring and strength will be yours."
It is your feelings about things that determines how you act. You feel everything,that which is within you, is reflected outside of you. That which you feel, manifests in your world.
Therefore, if you want to develop love, patience and compassion, it is love of self, patience with self and compassion for self that first must be developed.
You may want to investigate The Mood Shifting Program. It is is a 3 step program developed by a psychologist that strengthens self compassion and develops more positive and productive states of mind.

Does it not make complete sense to you when we say:
You can only give what you already have.
If you have little love for yourself, then you will not be in a position to offer authentic love or acceptance to another.
You will offer ingratiation perhaps, telling yourself that you are loving and kind, but when you give love, there must be a two-way flow. From your heart to the heart of the other. The flow must come from an open heart, a heart that is open also for the giver.
Giving And Receiving
Omni says: "Many of you, who focus on giving, find it difficult to receive.
In doing so, it is like using up the energy in a battery. The more you give the more of your own energy that you are giving away.
When you are open to receive, you then become a conduit for the Universe, a channel for love.
Pure Universal love, the love of God, begins to flow through you. This love, this energy, is the source of all life, and as you become this channel, it feeds you, sustains you, keeps you in health and well-being, and allows abundance to flow freely into your life."
Self-Appreciation is about saying: I accept myself exactly as I am. I can embrace all of me. I love and hold myself in a special place in my own heart.
Align yourself with your Diamond Self. Call Yourself to Presence. Do this course to grow from strength to strength
Self-appreciation is not about putting another down, or thinking yourself better than another.
It is about acknowledging the greater part of yourself, the part of yourself that is tapped into Universal knowledge and power and can create miracles.
It is about acknowledging the truth of who you are. The truth of who you are is simple, you are a child of the divine, more than that even, you are part of the divine.
Acknowledging Your Gifts
Self-appreciation is also about acknowledging your unique gifts.
Omni says: "Your world is full of artists, healers, writers, great chefs, and architects, teachers and, miracle makers who are yet to be discovered.
They have not yet been discovered because you have not allowed yourself to shine.
Within each of you is a highly creative, highly skilled being, just waiting to be discovered.
Many of you catch glimpses of this in moments of inspiration, but then most of you immediately begin to compare yourself to others and tell yourself that their work or creation is of much more value.
Somewhere along the line, many of you got the idea that you were here in order to prove yourself worthy of God or some other higher authority.
This is not the case, you are here through the expression of your free will and you came forth into this plane of existence in order to create.
The Earth poses some unique challenges. It would appear that there is much evidence to suggest that you are alone and not connected to the power of the universe.
But this is exactly why you chose to come here.
It was a challenge that you delighted in taking. You are not here on probation; you will not be able to leave earth for good behaviour. You are not here waiting for the chance to go somewhere better.
Let us say to you very clearly that when your heart is filled with self-appreciation, it will govern what you draw to yourself, it will govern your experience of the world and how you relate to others.
So let us say to you that then, when you are fully in self-appreciation, you will have the most delicious experience in the known Universe.
You will be physically focused and your heart will be fully open to the love of the universe, and God's love will stream through you, using you as a channel for all that is great.
The Highest Truth
There is no greater experience than this one, to be physical and spiritual simultaneously.
This is why our planet is so heavily populated, for many, many souls are wanting this experience, and loving yourself is the key.
When you look at the great teachers, how did they get to that position?
How did the Buddha and the Christ get to that position? It was through fully acknowledging who they are, loving and appreciating the self.
It is only through loving and accepting yourself that you open yourself to the love of Source. For God can only give you that which you are prepared to give unto yourself.
There is no higher truth than that.
It is not enough to understand self-love and acceptance intellectually. It is important to live it out. To exercise it daily.
Take a pen and paper, write down at least 7 things that you appreciate yourself for. (Do this at least 3 times per week)
Once you have done this, look at how many things are
~action oriented
and how many things are
Action oriented statements are:
* I am a good cook
* I run really well
* I am good with figures
* I laugh a lot
Statements about qualities are:
* I am generous
* I care about people
* I am kind
Humans have become such action oriented beings that you believe that you have very little value unless you are doing something.
When you begin to acknowledge the qualities you have, to see who you are, not what you are doing, you begin to get a different picture of yourself.
Seeing Yourself Differently
With this new picture of yourself, you begin to see clearly how you are able to express, and indeed, do express all of the divine qualities that you keep thinking that you must strive to develop.

Cease all the struggle
Allow yourself to be, and be who you are, not who you think you ought to be.
For you will discover that you are already many of the things you think you ought to be.
Attention Focus Makes Things Grow
A Universal principle tells us that when you focus on something, it grows.
When you focus on trouble, it gets bigger. When you focus on a headache, it gets worse. When you are having fun and your focus is on the wonderful pleasure of it, the intensity of the experience gets bigger.
The principles of manifesting apply universally, irrespective of whether it is a new car or a more developed quality of generosity or patience that you seek to create.
Focus on self-appreciation and acknowledging all your fine qualities, then these qualities, by virtue of your increased attention to them, will automatically grow.
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