Art as my expansion into pure potentiality!
I experienced Art as an Expansion of my pure potential with infinite possibility...isn't that grand?
This is how the story goes...
I always believed that being artistic is only the prerogative of a select few. And that I was most certainly not part of that privileged group. I couldn’t even draw a proper stick figure! So I put this limitation on myself and for all my life I didn’t even attempt to draw or explore my creative side in an artistic way. A few years ago I befriended a wonderful woman and a brilliant art teacher, Maggie. She started private classes from her studio at home and for a long time tried to convince me to come for classes. I had no interest. I am a grown woman and by now I know my strengths and weaknesses and was duly indoctrinated that if you want to get ahead in life you'd better explore and built on your strengths. Why bother to attempt to do something that you know you are not good at?
I often visited Maggie during times that she wasn’t busy with art classes. One afternoon during such a visit a new student showed up. Maggie took both of us to the studio and bullied me (thanks Mags!) into the introductory class. I decided to join and followed the instructions carefully. I knew that after the class Maggie would realize that I have no potential and then she would stop suggesting that I do art. I did not take into account our ability to do anything and be everything! I am still a student of Maggie’s. A whole new world has opened up for me and I enjoy the shift I had allowed myself to experience. My latest drawing is an angel that will get framed and act as a reminder that we are pure potential with infinite possibility. All we have to do is allow ourselves to go there and explore.
Elize Heuer

View the art of Janaka Stangaro
You too, can tap into your creative Self! Learn how to tap into your own infinite possibilites!
Just like Elize, you can begin to believe in your massive potential by exploring some avenues to do this
Open your consciousness up and expand with JOY who you are. You can become so much
Enjoy the art of Janaka Stangaro - what a pleasure that is!
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