The Shortcut To Raising Your Energy!

A blessing, (also used to refer to bestowing of such) is the infusion of something with holiness, divine will, or one's hope or approval. (Wikepedia)
It has been said that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Every time you remind yourself that you are, indeed, blessed — even in those times when you do not see or feel the blessings — you are figuratively lighting a candle in a darkened world.

This gentle reminder that you are blessed and are a blessing to others lowers your own negative emotional energy load. You feel lighter, freer and happier.
And the better you feel, the better those around you feel. In essence, as your own negative feelings decrease, you raise the positive feelings in others,
blessing those around you by your presence and actually improving world conditions far more than you might imagine.

Now imagine if these same feelings of well-being were experienced by millions of people world-wide, each succeeding in raising his or her own positive energy vibrations and thus blessing all those with whom they come in contact, as well. The impact on the world could be nothing short of staggering.
You’re Invited to Join Us…
To help create such an impact, you are invited to take part in our ongoing Worldwide Blessing Experiment by sharing the short May You Be Blessed movie with friends, family and acquaintances.
View the blessing movie here
Count your Blessings and Watch your life Change in Magical Ways

Sharing the movie is simple. Simply copy the link below and paste into the body of an email message and send.
If you think sending the movie to others is a waste of time, then please keep reading.
Shortly after creating May You Be Blessed in early 2006, I sent a link to ten personal friends in my address book asking them to let me know what they thought and, if they liked it, to pass it on to others.
Within a week, I had received emails from over 1,000 people wanting me to know how touched they had been by the movie.
One man wrote to say that he had stopped believing in God after 9/11, but was able to feel God’s presence in his life once more after watching May You Be Blessed.
A woman wrote that the movie had helped her keep her perspective as she and her husband filed for bankruptcy, and had even enabled them to develop a brighter outlook for the future. And another man wrote that he had found that watching the movie helped him deal with chronic pain better than anything else he had tried.
Then a little over a year after the movie was intially sent out, I received a message from a woman who had received the link on the same day she was diagnosed with cancer.
She said it wasn’t until days later before she even got around to opening it, but as she sat reading each line while the soothing music washed over and the beautiful photographs reminded her that even in the darkest moments, light is still present, she began to feel a deepening sense of peace.
“Every day after that I would watch May You Be Blessed,” she wrote. “I watched it while I was receiving radiation and then when I went through chemo. Even when I didn’t think I could, I found a way and just kept watching it. And every time, it gave me the peace and strength I needed to keep going.”
And one morning shortly after the movie was first released, a husband took time to watch it before leaving for work. He immediately sent the link to his wife’s email and then left for the day. Before he could arrive at his destination, however, his car was struck by a drunk driver and he was killed instantly. It wasn’t until the funeral was over and friends and family had returned to their own lives that his wife sat down at her computer to check her email. There was her husband’s message waiting for her. Considering it a final message of love from her husband, May You Be Blessed helped her to cope in the days that followed

The reason I have chosen to share these stories with you is because I don’t think we ever truly know the impact our most simple efforts may have on others.
It takes no more than a moment or two to share the movie with others, but as these accounts attest, those few moments could make a difference in someone’s life.
Since first launching it, I have come to realize that the movie often arrives in someone’s inbox in divinely synchronistic fashion just when it is needed most.
However, please remember that it is only because people like you are willing to become the catalyst by sharing it with others that it arrives at all.

This is why I so eagerly invite you to send a link to the movie to all the friends, acquaintances and co-workers in your address book. You never know who may benefit from your thoughtful sharing, but I am certain that through your efforts there will be many who will find comfort from the movie’s message of blessing and love.
As a way of assuring this, you might want to include your own short blessing or prayer as you pass the link along, asking that it come to the attention of those who need it and in the most timely fashion possible. Then all you need do is have faith that what you have asked will come to be. And it will.
FROM - Kate:

Raise you energy by living within YOUR HIGHEST SELF
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