This Lifetime
Remembering Our Conversation
Before You Reincarnated Into this Life
A channeling by Tobias via The Crimson Circle

This lifetime, in particular, is a very important one in your reincarnational cycle of spiritual evolution.
"And so it is, we join our energies together in this meeting. It is your divine and mine; it is your humanness and mine; it
is in this place that we call the safe space, the energy that we create together where you can be who you are.
In this safe space, you don’t have to hide behind anything. You don’t have to pretend
that you are something you’re not. And you don’t have to pretend that you are less
than who you really are.
In this safe space, I can talk to you as an angel, from angel to angel. Not talking
to you as a human sitting in these chairs, not talking to one who is looking for
enlightenment. I can talk to you as the real you, as the angel I know you by.
I am Tobias, in the angelic orders of All That Is, and I
know each and every one of you. I have worked with many of you in the human
body in lifetimes past. I have worked with all of you in the angelic realms.
come from many different spiritual families – some from the family of the Archangel Michael; some from the family of Raphael; some come from the family
of Metatron. Some of you come from spiritual families
whose names cannot even be pronounced in the human language so I say them in
energy alone.
And I know you from the Crimson Council because you came from your spiritual
family, in service, to be a teacher to other angels. You joined your consciousness
with that of the Crimson Council. And I have known you in the angelic realms as
a teacher.
Yes, even angels need teachers because there are some who have not journeyed very far, some who are just now coming to realize that they are creators. There are
angels who are preparing to come to Earth for the very first time, and they need the
wisdom of angels who have been there many times, like you.
I have watched how you have worked with many angelic beings in the other realms,
ones who were lost, ones who just needed someone to listen to them, ones who were
working on grand challenges and experiences even in the angelic realms, and I have
watched you teach them with love and with grace and with great compassion.

And then I saw you – yes, each of you I have seen, each and every one sitting in
this room, and everyone of you reading this – I saw when you were choosing this lifetime on Earth, when you were
choosing to come back into physical body at this grandest time of evolution on
And you and I sat alone and talked, I, Tobias, to you, the angel. Shortly
before you incarnated back to Earth, you and I talked, just you and I.
I’m going to ask you to expand your
energy and feel for a moment, and remember this talk you and I had before you
came back to Earth in this lifetime. Feel it for a moment.
First I told you how I honored you for going back to Earth again.
I told you that you didn’t have to go. I reminded you that you didn’t have to do
another lifetime. Remember when you told me that?
You laughed at me and said,
“Oh, but Tobias, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

I told you that it was going to be the most challenging lifetime you had ever lived on Earth,
and you laughed again and said,
“I love challenges, Tobias.”

I told you that it was going to be the most difficult lifetime because it was going to
be a lifetime where you were living in physical body with enlightenment.
It’s easy
to be enlightened in the other realms; it’s difficult to be in the human body and
know you’re an angel. It’s difficult to face day-to-day challenges in your life and to
know you’re really a grand creator, but to wonder why these challenges continue
to be in your path.
I told you it would be the most difficult life you had ever lived because there would
be the most changes on Earth in the shortest period of time. And you laughed again
and said,
“I love change.”

I said, “Dear One, before you go back to Earth, remember that it will be different than your other lifetimes. It will go very, very fast.
Technology will go fast. Change
will spread across the world in an instant. Communications won’t take weeks or
months of time; they will happen at the speed that you can take a breath.”
I told you that in this lifetime, it would be the most challenging because the old
walls that separated cultures and countries and races and religions would come
tumbling down.
And you said,
“Tobias, I love to help break down walls.”
And I said, “Yes, but everything that you learned about being human in all of your
other lifetimes is going to be put to a test in this lifetime. Everything that you
thought you knew about humanity you’re going to see change in this lifetime.”
had a big smile on your face and said,
“Dear Tobias, that is why I am going back
to Earth.”
We sat for a moment in silence, thinking about the potential of all of the things that
you were going to do in this lifetime.
Then I spoke again and I said
, “This lifetime is going to be the most rewarding and
satisfying of any you have ever lived.”
And you said to me, “I know, Tobias, but
tell me why.”
And I said,
“Because in this lifetime on Earth, you’re going to integrate every part of you, every past lifetime back into this lifetime.
You’re going to integrate and heal every wounded part of yourself, even from back in your angelic days, in this lifetime.
You’re going to learn how to be a sovereign creator, no longer having to pretend that you’re less than a creator, no longer having to have other people rule you, guide you, feed you,
and tell you what to do.
In this lifetime, you’re going to
learn, while you are in a human body, how to be totally sovereign.”
You had a big smile and said,
“That’s why I want to go back to Earth.”
And I said to you,
“Yes, yes, Dear One, but as grand as it may sound, it will have its challenges.”
I looked directly into your angel eyes and I said,
“Dear One, there are going to be
times that you forget who you are.
There are going to be times when you forget
that we ever had this conversation.
There are going to be times when you doubt
And there are going to be times when you don’t want to live anymore.
It will be so challenging and so difficult that you’ll want to come back Home, back to the angelic realms.
There are going to be times
when your body aches so bad that you wish you didn’t have to be in it.
“There are going to be times,”
I told you,
“when the ones who are the nearest, who
you love the most, will betray you, will hurt you, and will leave you in ruins.
will make this lifetime the most challenging.
They’re not truly leaving you because
they don’t love you; they’re leaving you because there will come a point in your
lifetime when you go through the dark night of the soul and all of those around will
back off. Some will leave you, some will just move away from you.
There will be times when you go through this lonely, lonely walk through life
when it seems almost impossible to be a creator, when you can’t hold a job, when
even your pets leave, when it seems like there’s nothing left.
That is why it will be
the most challenging.
I told you, Dear One, if you remember, I told you
“There will be times when you
feel so alone even in the midst of other humans. Even living in a busy, crowded
city there will be times when you feel so alone.”
And you said to me, “Why is that,
Tobias? Why will that happen?”
I took a deep breath because even angels breathe, you know. We don’t breathe air;
we breathe life.
And I said, “There will come a time when it feels so alone because
that is the time you get to know yourself, when you’re not distracted by other
humans, when you’re not distracted by a busy job, when you are so alone that the
only thing you have is you.”
I said, “It will be difficult because it will even feel like I am not there for a short
period of time. It will even feel like the other angels are not around you.”
And I
said, “In this lifetime you are about to go into, there will be a time when your spirit
guides, the angels who were assigned to hold your energy balance, will go away.
And that will feel depressing and sad. It will feel like there is a big emptiness in
your heart and some part of you will wonder why even the angels abandon you.
it’s because there is a time in this lifetime for being so alone, so alone that you can
know who you are once again.”
This time, you took a deep breath and I could feel in your energy that you were
having second thoughts about going into this lifetime, about being incarnated again.
I could see your concern so I kept talking to you and I said,
“Dear One, once you
get through this loneliest of times, once it feels like you have lost everything and
everyone, you will emerge. You will be like that caterpillar that goes into a cocoon
and becomes a butterfly. You will let go of your old human mind and its ways of
thinking. You will let go of your fears. You will let go of goals and agendas. You will let go of the need to survive in a physical body so that you can transcend into
a true angel on Earth.
When you go through the metamorphosis, it will seem like you are dying from
within at some point.
But, Dear One, when you emerge, when you break through
the cocoon and spread your New Energy wings, you will no longer be the human
that you were just a few short years ago.
You will no longer have the limitations of
body and mind. You will emerge like a butterfly emerges, and you will spread your
beautiful, colorful wings and be able to soar.
I could see your energy, as that angel talking with me, I could see it light up once
again. And we sat in silence for awhile and we both breathed together.
And you
said, “Tobias, do you know that it will work out for me? Do you know, looking into
future, that I’ll be okay?”
I looked in your eyes once again and I said, “Dear One, I cannot predict that.
I do not
know what will happen when you go off on this new lifetime of yours.
I do not know
which way you will walk, which roads you will choose.
I do not know which detours
will distract you.
I do not know what things will come up in your path to make you
stop and go no further.
I do not know if you will fall in love with a human who is so
special that you choose not to evolve your own spiritual path.
I do not know that you
will get addicted to drugs or alcohol because the pain of living is so great.
I do not
know if you will be deceived by the dark forces who truly make you confused and
make you forget what a grand angel you are.
I do not know these things.”
“But” I said to you, sitting here right now, “I have seen you working in the angelic
realms. I have shared a lifetime or two with you on Earth, and no matter what, you
were always able to pull yourself through. You were always able to reach deep
down into your own core, into your own divine. Particularly when things got the
toughest, you were able to reach deep down within and remember who you are.You were able to bring up your own energy and consciousness. You were able to
get through the most difficult experiences of any human or angel I’ve ever seen.
“So, I, Tobias, have no doubt that you’re going to do it again, that you’re going
enter into this most challenging lifetime and do it again.”
We both had a big smile on our face then.
As you were getting ready to be birthed back into this lifetime, I came over to give
you an angel hug one more time, but this time we held longer and closer than we have any other time. This time, I didn’t want to let go of you. I wanted to come with
you but I knew it wasn’t quite my time so I stepped back.
I acknowledged the God
in you with the God in me – Namaste, I acknowledged you – and I saw you expand
your energy back down to Earth.

I’ve kept a close eye on you in all of these years you’ve been back here. I’ve seen you
go through some of these very things that I’ve talked about.
I’ve seen you struggle
with remembering and I’ve tried to call out to you; struggle with remembering who
you are and why you’re here on Earth and I’ve tried to remind you of this talk that
we had.
I’ve seen you in your dream state at night get lost, even out in the other realms,
get lost trying to remember where those answers were, those answers that you told
yourself you would have at the right time.
I just gently reminded you to “Keep
breathing, it will come to you. Keep breathing, it will come to you. Keep breathing,
it will come to you.”
You must have heard me. You must have felt my love because you started breathing
again. You started remembering again. You started feeling again and living again.
Indeed the most challenging and the most fulfilling lifetime you will ever
live is the one that you’re living right now. So exciting it is, so grand it is to be on
Earth right now.
These next few years are going to see monumental changes all over the Earth. As I
said before, years of very intense
change in this world.
You’re creating – the world is creating – this New Energy era. It’s cleansing out the old, cleansing out what is no longer needed, allowing its
energy to be transformed, brought back in a very New Energy way.
So what I’m saying to you now, sitting here like this, angel-to-angel once again,
you’re going to see challenges all over the world, but don’t panic. Don’t be filled
with anxiety. It is all very appropriate. You’re going to see challenging weather patterns. Don’t think it’s the angry gods or even global warming; it
is the cleansing and the restructuring of consciousness.
So now, let us once again take a deep breath together like we did before you came
back to Earth in this lifetime.
Let us take a deep breath together and let our compassion and love spread out to all
of the world at this time of change.
Let us take a deep breath together as we take a moment to honor your journey in
this lifetime, to honor coming back as a teacher, as a creator, and as a divine human
And so it is.
Align yourself with THE NEW ENERGY through your Diamond Body.
You can access your ANGELIC SELF! You came with the tools...
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