Courses and Programs

Make use of our Joy Shop to aid your personal development through joy

A Call to Presence


Preparing the Diamond Light Body

This is a brand new programme specifically designed to support you in connecting you with your unique Diamond Light Body stabilising your energy and transforming belief patterns.

The New Energy environment is about you embracing your full personal power.

When you can do this, all else falls into place, manifestation becomes easier and emotions stabilise.

If the Law of Attraction is all about vibration, then mastering your vibrational core has to be the first step.

The Diamond Light Grid is an energy body of tremendous personal power - a container for an amazing amount of energy. Full explanation about Diamond Light Energy here

Diamon Light Course


- The nature, origin and importance of the diamond

- Ascension, 2012, earth changes and personal changes

- Understanding the nature of light, energy, your Light Body & the physical body connection

- New Energy, spiritual alchemy and how it links with the Diamond Light Grid

- What to expect as you begin structuring and increasing the frequency of your energy fields

- Clearing the heart space and creating a new heart-mind linkage

- Activating the heart diamond

- Co-ordinates for the Diamond Light Grid & activating the 4 quadrants

- The Earth Grids and activation of the Earth Star centre (diamond Light grid anchor point)

- Working with the spiral to create energy vortexes and further activate your energy bodies

- Graceful releasing - why the old system of "cord cutting" doesn't work and replacing it with a process for the New Energy.

- Unlocking your inner vision and developing it

and more...

Each aspect has have powerful energy exercises, breathwork and tools for you to work with, as well as special meditations to support you. Many of these are new and specifically developed for working with and building your Diamond Light Grid


~ A 6 part transformational home study programme,

~ Approximately 9 hours of audio, meditations and guided energy exercises

~ 100+ page workbook with many exercises to help you integrate your energy and explain how it all works.

~ E-mail support from Julie herself!


A Call To Presence

A Call to Presence


80 BP or 125 USD

Intuition Zone

YOU Are The One You Have Been Waiting For!

Unleash Your Inner Compass, Align to True North- Your Highest Path & Potential - & Awaken Your Intuitive Genius!

Discover the methods, means & step-by-step exercises & techniquesto unlock your ultimate ally today!

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Inner guidance

Gain some real insight into Intuition here

Intuition Zone Program

Intuition Zone

Master your Intuition with this definitive and comprehensive program - includes guidebook, workbook, additional reports, 4 audio MP3 meditations - a thorough 'how to' road map for developing and harnessing your intuition.

Click Here!


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