Inner Conflict:

A House Divided

Inner conflict is described well in the article written by Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len : A House Divided


A house divided against itself cannot stand. This is true for nations, communities, organizations and families, as well as for individuals. In the House of Humanity, the individual is the common denominator. When the individual is divided, the house is divided.

In the game of tennis, the scoring system is Love, 15, 30, 40, game. The game begins with Love. In the etymology of the word, Love is no score, no stakes, nothing, to take the individual back to Love to nothing, to wholeness.

The process achieves this by voiding anger, fear, blame, resentment and thinking from poisonous thoughts, toxic energies that divide the mind, the house of the individual, causing it to fall to dis-Harmony and dis-ease


The purpose of life is to be restored back to Love , moment to moment.

To fulfill this purpose, the individual must acknowledge that he is 100% responsible for creating his life the way it is. He must come to see that it is his thoughts that create his life the way it is moment to moment.

The problems are not people, places and situations but rather the thoughts of them. He must come to appreciate that there is no such thing as "out there". People, places and situations exist only as his thoughts of.

A problem is a replayed toxic memory, what Shakespeare writes as a "fore-moaned moan".

A replayed toxic memory again divides the mind against its self, against Love.

The Updated Hooponopono, a process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutations, is a petition to Love to void and replace toxic energies with its self.

Love accomplishes this by flowing through the Mind, beginning with the Spiritual Mind, the Super Conscious. It then continues its flow through the intellectual Mind, the Conscious Mind, freeing it of thinking energies. Finally, it moves into the Emotional Mind, the Subconscious, voiding thoughts of toxic emotions and filling them with its self.

Here is a thought cleansing tool that anyone can apply to void toxic energies from his or her thoughts.

Mentally think: "I turn the Light Switch on my thoughts of me and my family, relatives and ancestors."

There is no limit to the number of times that this tool can be used. The tool is a petition to Love to clear toxic thoughts of yourself and of your family, relatives and ancestors that divide your Mind, your house.

The purpose of life does not change with the coming of a new millennium! It will always remain the same: to be restored back to Love moment to moment. The fulfilling of this purpose requires absolute individual responsibility. It requires an appreciation of the real problems that divide the individual first, then everything else second. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

The way to resolve inner conflict is to clean out toxic memories.

Inner conflict resolution

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Zero Limits

Inner Conflict can be resolved by going to Zero, into the Void, being with Source, living from Love

Go from Inner conflict - A house Divided to Ho'oponopono Information and resources

Ho'oponopono - Self Healing

Ho'oponopono - Self I-dentity

Finding Zero Frequency through Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono - Zero Limits

Ho'oponopono - The Marriage of Love and Responsibility

Return from Inner Conflict to Consciousness-Evolving

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